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Google’s Schema Changes and Their Impact on Our Agency

scrabble FAQ

Understanding Google’s Recent Schema Changes

Google has announced significant changes to its search results, particularly affecting HowTo and FAQ-rich results. As detailed in their blog post, these changes include:

  1. FAQ-Rich Results Limited: FAQ-rich results, derived from FAQ Page structured data, will now only be displayed for authoritative government and health websites. Other sites will no longer regularly show this rich result.
  2. How-To Rich Results for Desktop Only: How-To rich results from HowTo web page structured data will be displayed exclusively for desktop users, not mobile users. It’s important to note that Google indexes the mobile version of websites for indexing.

These global changes affect all languages and countries and are not considered a ranking change.

The Continued Value of FAQ Schema

While the visibility of FAQ schema in Google Search results is reduced, it’s crucial to remember the other benefits of having FAQ sections on our clients’ websites. Here are five key advantages:

  1. Enhanced User Experience: FAQs provide quick and easy access to important information, improving the overall user experience.
  2. Reduced Customer Support Queries: FAQs can significantly reduce the volume of basic customer support inquiries by answering common questions.
  3. Increased On-Site Time: Engaging FAQs can keep visitors on the site longer, positively impacting search engine rankings.
  4. Boost in Trust and Credibility: Well-crafted FAQs demonstrate expertise and reliability, enhancing the trustworthiness of a website.
  5. Content Marketing Opportunities: FAQs offer a platform to subtly market products or services by addressing common customer concerns and interests.

Adapting to Change

As a WordPress development agency, we have integrated FAQ schema into many client websites. While the direct visibility in Google Search results might be diminished, the intrinsic value of well-organized and informative FAQs remains significant. We will continue to leverage this tool to enhance user experience and provide value to our clients.

Source Credit

This blog post is based on information from the Google Search Central Blog, which provides detailed insights into the recent changes in HowTo and FAQ rich results.